About The Website

( Kindness, Awareness, Outreach, Support ) Felonies, social axiety,drug addiction, maybe you just simply dont get along with people and one or possibly several of these factors have kept you from finding solid employment I know that at least two of them kept me down and constantly on the verge of not having a penny to my name. Its sad but a fact that society and its employers dont want to take a chance on or just down right refuse to employ people with these problem areas. Well determination will get you far but determination and resiliants will show you that if you dont fit the mold then you have to make the mold fit you. That said there are a million and one ways to make money out there and no matter your background multiple felony convictions, current drug addiction where passing a UA is just out of the question or what ever the case may be that makes you " un-employable " as long as your not just plain old lazy, there are opportunities out there for everyone to become wealthy afterall this is America and I beleive thats what is called the American Dream well if your ready and determined to actually become one of the 10% then Its time to wake up from the nightmare you were led to beleive was our only option and let me show you the path to a consistant income that you will build for yourself start to finish and depending on your level of commitment, determination and resilants your gains will show your results. $1's and $5's or $50's and $100's? 

The Unemployment Rate Rises

The Unemployment Rate Rises

This is what is always reported how bad the job market is and the unemployment rate is rising but they never tell you that there's thousands of people who want to work but are denied the opportunity.

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Felons Need Not Apply

Felons Need Not Apply

It's a sad fact that even though your sentence has been served employers still refuse to hire you because of that past.

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How To Make Extra Money

How To Make Extra Money

Theres a million and one ways to make Xtra money out there but what I have for you is a way to make steady reliable income that you can not only live off of but save up for a nice retirement as well

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Show you how easy it is to make $1500 a week from home. Say goodbye to that 9-5 B.S.
Say goodbye to the moodswinging boss.
say goodbye to all those judgemental snobby coworkers because you'll never have to deal with any of that ever again!


I will walk you through a plan designed specifically for you step by step until your comfortable enough to begin execution on your own.


I added this because so many companies out there are asking for financial information and guess what? I am not one of them. I don't care how much you have in the bank right now i only care about helping you build that amount. I don't care about your credit all that is your business and my advice is if someone asks you for your S.S. # log off, hang up, walk away A.S.A.P.

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